
Mouse Control

- interact with the video player, shorts player, or miniplayer using any mouse button or wheel

- 50+ actions available, such as:

- seek (units available: second, frame, chapter, %)

- adjust and set volume, toggle mute

- adjust and set playback rate (from 0.1x to 16x)

Keyboard Control

- global keyboard shortcuts: next / previous chapter, next / previous video, next / previous chapter or video, seek forward / backward, toggle play, increase / decrease volume, toggle mute, increase / decrease playback rate, set playback rate to normal, enter picture-in-picture, toggle loop, increase / decrease video quality

- unlimited number of custom local keyboard shortcuts

Video Chapters Navigation

- use the middle, right mouse button, or double click anywhere on the chapter container on the progress bar, and the chapter will start playing from the beginning

- use mouse and keyboard shortcuts to navigate to the previous/next chapter

Combine Replay Chapter and Navigate to Previous Chapter

- replay the current chapter if the current playing time of the chapter is above 3 seconds, otherwise navigate to the previous chapter

Show Chapters List

- automatically show the chapters list in the sidebar if chapters are available

Show Comments In Sidebar

- automatically show comments in the sidebar when the new video starts

- use mouse and keyboard shortcuts to show/hide comments in the sidebar at any time

Audio - Auto Gain

- balance sound levels across different videos by making quieter videos louder

- gain is automatically adjusted for every video depending on its loudness

- use "Auto Gain - Threshold" to set the level below which Auto Gain starts working

Audio - Mono Mix

- set audio output to mono

- select left, right, or both channels as the source

- useful for videos with poor stereo image - when one of the audio channels is missing, quieter, or louder

Audio - High Pass Filter

- pass frequencies above the cutoff frequency

- useful for the muddy audio with too much bass

Audio - Compressor

- compression lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal and raises the volume of the softest parts

Audio - Boost Volume

- boost volume up to +12dB

Audio - Pan

- pan audio left or right with keyboard shortcuts

Playlist Duration

- show playlist duration on "/playlist" and "/watch" pages

Back To Comment

- use this command after clicking on a timestamp in the comment section or changing fullscreen mode to restore previous scroll position

Instant Fullscreen

- enter the fullscreen mode without delay, even with many playlist items, related videos, and comments loaded

- exit the fullscreen mode much faster

- option for smooth transition (available in Chromium-based browsers)

Convert Channel Name To Link (available in Chromium-based browsers)

- in the playlist, queue, or related videos, click on the channel name, and the channel page will open in the new tab after a second or two (this feature might not work in all browsers)

Show Full-Size Thumbnails And Avatars

- use mouse or keyboard shortcuts to show the full-size thumbnail of the current video

- Ctrl + Click on any thumbnail or avatar image to show the full-size version

Auto-Click "Skip Ads" Button

- automatically click the button when it shows up

Mute Ads

- automatically mute video when ads start playing

Blackout Ads

- automatically blackout video when ads start playing

Auto-Skip Ads

- automatically skip any kind of ad after the time delay

Manually Skip Ads

- skip any ad at any time with a mouse or keyboard shortcut (add "Seek to" action, set unit to "%" and value to "100")

Player Controls

- show Player Controls in 5 different modes:

- 1 - Default - default YouTube Player Controls

- 2 - Progress Bar - progress bar without other controls

- 3 - Default + Progress Bar - show Progress Bar when Default Controls are hidden

- 4 - Persistent Progress Bar - always visible Progress Bar

- 5 - Persistent Default - always visible Default Controls

Player Controls - Progress Bar

- show only the progress bar with adjustable opacity and position

- set different custom progress colors when video is playing or paused

Player Controls - Background

- background (shadow/gradient) behind player controls and progress bar

- options: low (subtle background behind the controls and progress bar, but not above the progress bar), hidden (completely hidden background)

Player Controls - Volume Bar - Always Visible

- the volume bar will always be visible (when player controls are visible), not only on mouse hover

Player Controls - Base Time On Current Playback Rate

Player Controls - Replace Mute Button With Volume Level

- show volume level (e.g., 50%) instead of the mute/unmute button in the player

- you can still click on it to mute/unmute

Player Controls - Enable Custom Time Display In Player

- replace the default time display (current time / duration) with a custom one based on a template

- available keywords: %current_time, %pr_current_time, %duration, %pr_duration, %playback_rate, %remaining_time, %pr_remaining_time, %end_time, %saved_time

- prefix "pr_" means those values are based on the current playback rate

Auto-Hide Player Controls

- auto-hide player controls in less than default 3 seconds

Hide Player Controls

- don't show player controls on any interaction

- options to hide player controls when video is playing and/or when video is paused

- option to show player controls when hovering directly over them

Sticky Player

- keep the smaller version of the player always visible while scrolling

- options to not activate the sticky player when the video has ended or while it's paused

- compact and wide variations

- options to set position and offset

Video Filter

- adjust the video brightness (0 - 200%)

- adjust the video contrast (0 - 200%)

Shorts In Normal Player

- shorts will seamlessly open in the normal video player

- the shorts tab is still fully functional

Shorts Player - Overlay

- hide the top overlay (play/pause and volume controls)

- hide the bottom overlay (subscribe button and channel info)

- make overlays visible only on mouse hover

Shorts Player - Convert Title To A Link To Normal Player

- click on the video title to open short video in the normal video player

Zen Mode

- dim, blur, and grayscale all sections except the video player on Watch page

- a section becomes visible on mouse hover, and all sections become visible when you start scrolling down

Expanded Cinema (Theater) Mode

- expand the player to the full window in cinema mode

- options to hide header and scrollbar (as in fullscreen)

Fixed Sidebar

- in the Default view the sidebar has a fixed position and its own scrollbar

Subtitles - On/Off

- turn subtitles automatically on/off on every new video

Subtitles - Hide Subtitles

- permanently hide subtitles

- helpful if subtitles randomly show up in private/incognito mode

Subtitles - Hide Subtitles When Paused

- hide subtitles when video is paused

Subtitles - Custom Position

- set the subtitles to a fixed custom position

- align text to the center

Open Search Results In New Tab (with Ctrl/Shift + Enter combinations)

- Enter - open in current tab

- Ctrl+Enter - open in new tab

- Ctrl+Shift+Enter - open in new active tab

- Shift+Enter - open in new window

- Alt+Shift+Enter - open in new incognito window

Navigate search results

- navigate through items on "/results" and channel "/search" pages

- use ArrowUp and ArrowDown keys

- on the channel "/search" page, press the Tab key after the search

Skip Video Intro/Outro

- start/stop playing the new video from/at a specific time or chapter to avoid watching repetitive intros/outros

- can be set for individual channels or all videos

Up Next Video In 0 Seconds

- immediately play the next video

Disable Auto Pause

- disable the "Video paused. Continue watching?" feature

Disable Autoplay Next Video In Playlist

- don't automatically play the next video in the playlist

Initial Player State

- enables you to stop the player when you open a new video

- separate options for foreground and background tabs

Pause Previous Video

- pause the previous video when another one starts playing

Video Snapshot

- capture the video frame at the current time and resolution, and save it as JPG, PNG, or WebP file

- copy captured frame to clipboard (available in Chromium-based browsers)

- optionally include subtitles

Video Download Link

- create a video download URL from the template

- copy URL to the clipboard - useful if you're downloading videos with command-line programs like youtube-dl

- open URL in a new tab - useful if you're downloading videos with browser tools

Copy Video URL / Copy Video URL At Current Time

- available domain formats - Short (youtu.be/...), Long (www.youtube.com/...)

- available time formats - Default (t=1000), HMS (t=16m40s)

- option to remove playlist from URL

Comments - Focus input / Paste timestamp

- focus the comment input if it isn't focused

- otherwise, paste a timestamp of the current video time at the cursor position

- pasting timestamp also works in replies

- option to reduce timestamp by 1, 2, or 3 seconds

Comments - Sort By

- option to always sort comments by "Newest first" or "Top comments"

Embed Mode

- watch the video in YouTube Embedded Player

- start Embed Mode in the current tab or popup window

Picture-In-Picture (available in Chromium-based browsers)

- enter and exit picture-in-picture mode

- additional version with progress bar and mouse control available in some browsers

Inline Playback

- enable or disable the Inline Playback feature (play videos when you hover over them on the Home screen)

Chat Visibility

- show chat replay, auto-hide live chat, or disable the chat section

Channel Page Banner

- hide the banner or show a shorter version

Content Filters

- hide watched videos, shorts, upcoming, live, mix, and other video types and sections on various pages

Clean Player

- remove annotations, ad-overlay, paid content overlay, suggested action badge, cards, channel watermark, end screen, top buttons and video title, progress bar heatmap, cinematics, etc.

Clean Page

- remove reminders, hints, surveys, notification toasts, page elements, some ads, etc.

- this feature doesn't block video ads, and some ads still might be visible (if you don't want to see any ads use the "uBlock Origin" extension)

Hide Comments

- hide the comments section

Hide Sidebar

- hide the sidebar section

Hide Related Videos

- hide related videos in the sidebar section

- this also hides the sidebar if there is no chat, chapters, playlist, or transcript

Hide All Action Indicator Animations

- hide icons and animations that show up when you change volume, playback rate, etc.

Seek Action Info

- on seeking forward / backward, show: current time, current time / duration, remaining time, or none

- works on custom shortcuts only

Show Video Playback Info

- show the overlay containing current chapter name, current time / duration, remaining (end) time, volume, and/or playback rate

- adjustable font size and opacity

Back To Top Button

- scroll to the top of the page

- select button color and position

Focus Search Box

- use a hotkey to focus the Search Box

- automatically paste the selected text into the Search Box

Instant Play / Pause

- play or pause the video instantly on the mouse button pressed

Toggle Fullscreen with Middle Mouse Button

- trigger the fullscreen mode with the middle mouse button instead of double click

Alternative Thumbnail Click Actions

- open video in a new active or background tab

- option to remove the playlist and other parameters from the URL

Full Tagline On Channel Page

- show a full channel tagline (link/button on the channel page that opens the channel's about page/modal) instead of a single line

Custom Scrollbars

- change the style of various scrollbars (page scrollbar, scrollbars in dialogs)

- options: thin, transparent, or none

Nontransparent Player Background

- player and player container elements will have a black background color

- affects mostly shorts in normal player and videos in 4:3 format

Subscriptions Channels View

- on the "youtube.com/feed/channels" page, shows you more channels on the screen

Transparent Video Description And Buttons

- remove the background from buttons below the player (Like, Dislike, Share, etc.) and from the description section on /watch page

- minimum requirements: Chrome 105 or Firefox 103 (with layout.css.has-selector.enabled flag)

Video Description

- Expanded - automatically clicks the 'Show More' button

- Minimalist - show only number of views and date when collapsed

Video Description - Show Exact Date

- show the exact date in the description when the description is collapsed

Video Description - Show Exact View Count

- show the exact view count in the description when the description is collapsed

Show Transcript In Sidebar

- automatically show the transcript in the sidebar when the new video starts

Sidebar Panels Max Height

- set the max height of panels (playlist, chapters, chat, transcript, comments) in the sidebar to 100%

Search Box Dark Style

- applies the dark theme on Search Box when YouTube uses the dark theme

Channel Trailer

- Disable Autoplay

- Hide Trailer Section

Initial Active Channel Page Tab

- when opening the channel page, navigate directly to the Videos, Shorts, Live, Playlists, Community, Channels, or About tab

Video View - Start New Video In

- Default - the default behavior

- Default view - always start the new video in the Default view

- Cinema mode - always start the new video in Cinema mode

Preferred Video Resolution

- automatically set the resolution on every new video

- set different resolutions when the video is in fullscreen mode, cinema mode, on embedded videos, and on background videos

Autoplay Switch - Turn Off

- controls the Autoplay switch (the first button in the bottom right corner of the video player)

- it will check the switch when the new video starts and turn it off

Autoplay Next Short

- automatically play the next short video when one ends

Initial Fullscreen

- start playing the new video in fullscreen mode

Initial Volume

- automatically set the volume on every new video or session

Initial Mute

- automatically mute/unmute on every new video or session

Initial Playback Rate

- automatically set playback rate on every new video

- set playback rate on global, per-genre, and per-channel basis

Loop Normal Videos

- automatically turn on loop (auto-repeat) on current and every new normal video

Loop Shorts

- automatically turn on/off loop (auto-repeat) on current and every new short

Custom Rich Grid Layout

- customize layout on the home and subscriptions pages and channel's videos and live tabs

- options: Decrease container width, Decrease font size, Hide avatars, Number of Items per row

Full Video Titles

- don't truncate video titles on various pages

Dim Watched Videos

- make watched videos more distinctive

Context Menus - Search YouTube

- when you open the context menu on selected text on any website, there will be a "Search YouTube for ..." option

Custom CSS And JS

- add custom styles and scripts

[EXP] Video Quality - Use Enhanced Bitrate

- use 1080p Premium Enhanced Bitrate if available

- affects "Video Quality - Increase/decrease" and "Video Quality - Set to" user actions, and "Preferred Video Resolutions" options

[EXP] Overlaid Sidebar

- show the sidebar on top of the player in Cinema Mode or Full Screen

- sidebar will become visible when you place the mouse cursor near the right edge and disappear on mouseout

[EXP] Add Secondary Actions On Various Buttons

- Secondary actions can be triggered with Right or Middle Mouse Button. Available on:

- [RMB] Subscribed button: Unsubscribe with a single click

- [RMB] Comments section > Sort Comments menu button: Toggle between Top Comments and Newest First

- [RMB] Share button (below the video): Open Save To Playlist menu. Useful when the Save button is not visible

- [RMB] Video thumbnail 'Add to queue' button: Save to playlist

- [RMB] Video thumbnail ' ᎒ ' menu: Hide, Not interested, Remove, or Delete (depending on the context)

- [MMB] Video thumbnail ' ᎒ ' menu: Don't recommend channel (when the action is available)

- [RMB] Top part of the playlist item drag handle (above ' = ' icon): Move to top

- [RMB] Bottom part of the playlist item drag handle (below ' = ' icon): Move to bottom

- [RMB] Middle part of the playlist item drag handle (' = ' icon): Save to playlist

- [RMB] Video Player > Settings button: Set initial playback rate on current channel

- [Ctrl+RMB] Channel Avatar below the Video Player, or in Video Description: Set initial playback rate on current channel

- [RMB] Video Player > Next Video button: Play the next chapter

- [RMB] Watch page > Related videos > ALL chip (first chip): Open Play All playlist for current channel

- [RMB] Watch page > Related videos > FROM CHANNEL_NAME chip (second chip): Create playlist around current video for current channel and continue playing

[EXP] Customize Download Button

- open different websites (video downloaders) in a new background or active tab when you click the Download Button (on the Watch Page) with the left/middle/right mouse button

[EXP] Search Within Playlist On Playlist Page

- on the /playlist page, press CTRL+SHIFT+F to start searching within the current playlist

- you can search by video title and channel name

[EXP] Remove YouTube's Custom Main Scrollbar

- useful if you've enabled the #overlay-scrollbars flag in your browser or prefer the default scrollbar

[EXP] Subscriptions Page Divider

- add a divider after newly uploaded videos (uploaded since you last time opened or refreshed the subscriptions page).

[EXP] Watch Later On Subscriptions Page

- add the Watch Later playlist on the Subscriptions page

Features available on YouTube Music

- Mouse Control

- Keyboard Control

- Audio - Boost Volume

- Audio - Pan

- Audio - Mono Mix

- Audio - High Pass Filter

- Video Snapshot (only on music videos)

- Video Download Link

- Initial Volume

- Auto-Skip Ads

- Auto-Click "Skip Ads" Button

- Custom CSS And JS

Features available on Google Drive videos

- Mouse Control

- Keyboard Control (when the player has focus)

- Player Controls

- Initial Volume

- Initial Playback Rate

- Loop Normal Videos

- Preferred Video Resolution (the "Embedded" option)

- Seek Action Info

- Show Video Playback Info

- Custom CSS